The Informative Habits of Youth Mediated by Hypertext. Case Study
Hypertext, Cyberculture, Digital LiteracyAbstract
This article places reading, a fascinating human experience, in the context of cyberculture which presents itself in a multimodal expansion unprecedented in human history. The rhythm is vertiginous, overwhelming at times and spectacular for reading audiences or Internet users. The expanded book and Transmedia reading determine the understanding of the text on the network as a hybrid experience for readers. And it is urgent to experiment with horizontal models at the level of university education to learn about the new consumption habits of young people. The purpose of this paper is to expose an experimental model of work with university students of the Journalism career to show their information consumption habits and thus generate a joint digital literacy strategy to strengthen reading skills in the complexity of infoxication. The methodology used was qualitative and the preliminary results determined that there is an interest in youth to modify habits when the disciplinary sense is linked to the construction of currents of public opinion. Today, reading and writing on the web is a non-linear journey, it is a hypertext that does not have specific entrances or exits, but tends to be a rhizomatic labyrinth. In this sense, the reduction of access gaps and digital literacy must be addressed urgently from the faculties and public policies in Education.
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