The flipped classroom as a strategy in hybrid teaching: A proposal oriented towards the development of active learning


  • José Alejandro Rodríguez Núñez Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra



Teaching-learning, methodology, Flipped Classroom, active learning


Traditionally, the teaching and learning processes have been developed from theory to practice, converting the classroom into a magisterial space where the expository method by the teacher prevails. Indeed, epistemological control is centered on the teacher, who theorizes, conceptualizes, and explains. In this sense, the teaching and learning processes require a strategic reinvention by the planning of the teacher and the action of the student. That is why we propose an innovative classroom project, aimed at developing strategies in which the student becomes an active entity, and stops being a receiver of information. In view of the above, the objective of this experience report is to describe the application of a pedagogical design that reverses the learning process, so that the lower order mental stages are processed by the student independently; while higher order processes are channeled from the classroom. To do this, teaching methods such as active learning and the flipped classroom will be used. The methodological approach used in this proposal is of a qualitative nature, since it is intended to observe, describe and weigh the participation of the student body corresponding to a section of the Spanish course. In short, the results of this proposal lead to the innovation of an active change in teaching, exalting two significant qualities: autonomy in the student body and creativity in the teaching staff. This is implemented regardless of discipline, grade, cycle or level; which allows this to be an open, dynamic, comprehensive and transversal proposal.


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Author Biography

José Alejandro Rodríguez Núñez, Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra

 Doctor en Estudios del Español: Lingüística y Literatura por la Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra; magíster y especialista en Lingüística Aplicada por el  Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo. Docente a tiempo completo de la escuela de Lenguas de la PUCMM, campus Santo Domingo. Para contactar al autor: 


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Núñez, J. A. (2023). The flipped classroom as a strategy in hybrid teaching: A proposal oriented towards the development of active learning. Cuaderno De Pedagogía Universitaria, 20(40), 49–58.