Valuation by the student of the learning strategy through research projects against
project-based learning, meaningful learning, higher education, case study, action researchAbstract
The preliminary results of the study are advanced for assessment done by students of the subject Special Education, in relation to the teaching strategies during the year 2017-2018: expositive classes including case studies and learning oriented to research projects. For this, we have used quantitative methodology through survey technique. Forty- two students have participated in the study. They value the dimensions of a questionnaire prepared for the occasion, which contains a 5-level Likert scale composed of 14 items. The scale is valued for each of the teaching modalities shown. For the data analysis we have calculated the following descriptive statistics: percentage, minimum, maximum, weighted average and standard deviation. The main result to highlight is the higher valuation of the learning strategy through research projects. However, the strategy of expositive classes complemented with the study and resolution of practical cases has obtained generally positive appraisals. We can consider satisfactory the combination of both methodologies in the subject development because of the obtained valuations. It can be inferred that they are complementary. In this sense, it raises our interest to continue investigating in this aspect and consider the possibility of extending the experience to other subjects of the program.
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