Program of Neurodidactic Strategies for the Stimulation of Executive Functions in University Students
strategies, executive functions, neuroeducation, university studentsAbstract
Executive functions promote cognitive processes to plan, organize, manage emotions and carry out other complex activities. Motivating their development in the educational context can be essential to achieve better learning. Therefore, the objective of this research was to analyze whether there is a relationship between teaching strategies based on neuroscience and the development of executive functions in university education students. The research sample was made up of N=129 students from the bachelor's degree program in Mathematics for Secondary Education, aged between 18 and 23 years, with an average of 20 years. They were chosen in a non-random or intentional manner from two ISFODOSU campuses (Salomé Ureña Higher Teacher Training Institute, public university of the Dominican Republic). A method with a quantitative approach was followed in a comparative descriptive design without a control group. The study was accompanied by a training program with 8 classroom interventions to improve executive functions with neurodidactic strategies (mindfulness, growth mindset, linking new knowledge with previous knowledge and socio-emotional skills). The Standardized Questionnaire for the Evaluation of Executive Functioning (EFECO) with 67 items was applied in two moments (pre and posttest) to evaluate the management of executive functions before and after the training program interventions. The main results demonstrate that the selected strategies can improve executive functions, since there are variations in the means and percentages of the tests implemented after the intervention plan, especially there was a greater improvement in the function of cognitive flexibility and planning. It is concluded that there may be a relationship between the selected strategies and the stimulation of executive functions; However, it is necessary to measure other factors and extraneous variables, as well as validate the possible impact of these strategies on the academic performance of students.
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