Perception of university students about a self-assessment strategy


  • Genarina Mercedes Caba Liriano Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra



Assessment, self-assessment, university students


Self-assessment is the process by which students take part in the evaluation of their learning, becoming active subjects who reflect on their levels of progress and academic gaps that must be overcome. The importance of self-assessment consists precisely in involving students and granting them a leadership role through which a different view of the assessment is built, while generating a reflection scenario from the students themselves.
This research work was carried out within the framework of general studies with 45 students who recounted their experience in the context of self-assessment as an innovative practice for them and thanks to which they were able to become aware of their performance and academic performance. The three main topics around which the article is developed are: general aspects of evaluation; self-assessment as a process of reflection in university students; experience of university students regarding self-assessment in the framework of general studies. The main actions developed as part of the action-research strategy included: design of activities for self-assessment, development of instruments for self-assessment, self-assessment by students and an evaluation by the teacher to compare the results. of both, analysis of bibliographic sources application of an instrument to participants and systematization of the experience. The investigation allowed us to conclude that evaluation is generally limited to hetero-evaluation, leaving self-evaluation in the background. The systematization of this experience confirmed that the students value being allowed to self-assess and see it as a favorable practice that the strategy can be replicated in other subjects. In addition, they consider that the self-assessment made it possible to introduce changes in their knowledge construction processes and in their level of reflection.


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Author Biography

Genarina Mercedes Caba Liriano , Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra

Doctora en Estudios del Español: Lingüística y Literatura por la Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra. Docente por asignatura de la Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra.


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How to Cite

Caba Liriano , G. M. . (2023). Perception of university students about a self-assessment strategy. Cuaderno De Pedagogía Universitaria, 20(39), 177–187.