Work on gender equality in Early Childhood Education from teacher training
non-sexist education, training, gender stereotypes, equality, Early Childhood EducationAbstract
The transmission of sexism and gender stereotypes that sustain a reality of gender inequality is a concern for the academic community at all educational levels. Thus, the objective of this study is to analyze the perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors regarding gender equality of a group of Early Childhood Education teachers. Using a qualitative methodology, interviews were carried out with the participation of 13 teachers from the second cycle of Early Childhood Education in Galicia, with an age range between 27 and 52 years, with a mean of 36.92 (SD = 8.06). The results show the teacher's commitment to gender equality both in relation to training, and with respect to bringing actions that generate equality to the classroom, the need to reconsider gender stereotypes and promote egalitarian practices. In addition, through the discourse of the informants, the existence of situations of discrimination, sexism and transmission of stereotyped roles and traits in the Early Childhood Education stage is evident. The training of future teachers in the area of ??gender equality is not a trivial matter, but rather a fundamental necessity. Consequently, it is urgent to install this theme in the training of future teachers.
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