Assessment of participation in Semillero de Investigación Educativa. Summary of the experience in a Chilean state and regional university
Research Competence, Initial Teacher Training, Semillero de Investigación, Systematization of ExperiencesAbstract
Research competence involves a set of skills, abilities, knowledge and attitudes to develop research work. This is considered relevant for teachers in training not only as knowledge production, but also as an agent of social change who assumes the duty of reflection and action within the pedagogical practice itself. Teacher training universities should include in their strategic plans the development of this competence. One of the initiatives is the implementation of Semilleros de Investigación. Within this framework, the aim of this article is to systematize the experience of a Semillero de Investigación attached to the pedagogy area of a Chilean state and regional university. A qualitative study was carried out using grounded theory through interviews. The results indicate that the learning achieved in a research group can be scaffolded by support instances such as tutorials, which are based on bidirectional collaborative work that encourages participants to project themselves as future researchers of their teaching practices. It is concluded that the training plan implemented in this Semillero is a strategy that enables the development of research competence.
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