What do those who teach value? Contributions to science learning in bilingual contexts through teachers’ discourse
science literacy, teacher professional learning, emerging bilingual learners, systemic functional linguisticsAbstract
Teacher professional learning (TPL) is one of the practices that can improve teaching and learning in complex contexts, specifically for culturally and linguistically diverse students. In many states, and in the southeastern United States, where the multilingual student population continues to grow, teachers are challenged to teach an increasingly culturally and linguistically diverse population. This article explores how a project for TPL has informed teachers' discourses about the role of scientific inquiry practices, the language of science, and emergent bilingual learners during a project in the southern United States. This research incorporates data from semi-structured interviews with teachers who participated in the research and professional development project. Teacher focus group interviews were analyzed through a combination of deductive coding and analytical tools from Systemic Functional Linguistics. The findings indicate that there have been changes in the perceptions and discourses of teachers in relation to the linguistic repertoires of emergent bilingual students and the notion of science literacy.
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