Strategies to combat ageism: positive education about aging or intergenerational contact?
stereotypes, ageism, old age, education, experiential learningAbstract
From the PEACE Model, it is suggested that carrying out combined interventions (education on aging and intergenerational contact) is the best strategy to combat ageism. This study aims to observe the effects of experiential learning by empirically checking whether intergenerational contact has an effect on the negative stereotypes towards old age of a group of students who had previously received theoretical training on aging in a university volunteer program. A pre-post design was carried out without a control group with 18 participants. Negative stereotypes towards old age were evaluated using the CENVE scale at two times (after receiving the theoretical training and after performing the practice of intergenerational contact). A statistically significant reduction of stereotypes related to motivational and social aspects of aging was observed after the practice of intergenerational contact, an aspect in which they showed no changes after receiving the theoretical training of the Program, with respect to the pre-test. This finding demonstrates the potential of combined programs to eliminate ageism stereotypes in educational contexts.
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