Pedagogical position essay: A strategy to make teacher education visible
essay, pedagogical experience, professional experience, initial teacher training, vocational trainingAbstract
The Pedagogical Position Essay (EPP) constitutes an educational strategy, in which teachers write down the basic principles that guide their work, and rewrite them according to key experiences. This article presents the design, implementation and evaluation of the EPP with students of the High School Teacher Training Program at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Its general objective is to evaluate the progression of the EPP along the educational trajectory of these teachers. Through a comparative study and semi-structured interviews, three instances of the EPP are analyzed: 1. when students have no teaching experience, 2. at the beginning of their practicum work, 3. towards the end of their Teacher Training Program. The EPP contributes to revealing the complex circuit between life experience, academic courses and work context of teachers as they navigate their profession.
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