General Studies and the Middle Class
university education, general studies, economic inequality, middle class, reference groupsAbstract
This article reviews the social conditions in which General Studies are conducted within university education in the case of Mexico, which could be generalized to other Latin America countries where economic inequality rules. The purpose of this paper is to reason on the mistaken ideal of surfeiting wealth that arises as an artificial and even unnatural way for human beings but is encouraged by reference groups to which individuals link themselves and is promoted by society in general. Students admire the rich and want to reach their wealth levels. Although values of justice and equity begin to be known and exercised within the family, their study must be completed in classrooms, particularly at a university level. General Studies can contribute to an integral formation by promoting the development of a freer, more just and more critical society. To achieve this purpose we will analyze Aristotle's proposal of a truly rich middle class. This study concludes that although in Latin America we live in an unequal society, it is possible to contribute to the formation of worthy human beings who maintain an accurate economic and social ambition, not pleased with mediocrity, but longing to excel in humanity by means of their own forces.
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