Interdisciplinary Teaching of Biological Sciences to Non-STEM Students Through Project-Based Learning



interdisciplinarity, critical thinking, project-based learning, STEM, motivation, Biology


This paper presents an exploratory study on the implementation of Project-Based Learning (PBL) in Biological Sciences courses aimed at non-STEM students. The objective was to integrate biological concepts with other disciplines to foster critical and interdisciplinary thinking. Following its implementation, an exploration was conducted into participants' perceptions of the impact of an interdisciplinary project-based methodology (PBL) on their learning. To this end, five simplified stages of PBL were adapted to guide 46 students in developing projects that linked biology to their areas of study. The research employed a mixed-methods design, using a questionnaire and the analysis of student products as data collection instruments. The results showed a significant increase in student motivation, particularly during the practical stages of project development. Additionally, 97.2% of the participants reported improvements in the integration of biological concepts when connecting them to their own disciplines, demonstrating the effectiveness of PBL in interdisciplinary teaching contexts. It is concluded that this methodology facilitates the understanding of scientific concepts and promotes critical and interdisciplinary thinking.




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How to Cite

Ortiz-Andrade, B. (2025). Interdisciplinary Teaching of Biological Sciences to Non-STEM Students Through Project-Based Learning. Cuaderno De Pedagogía Universitaria, 22(43), 25–43. Retrieved from