ICT competencies from the perspective of the teachers of schools of the co-management program





information and communication technology (ICT), teacher training, teacher digital competence, co-management, technological competency frameworks


From the current trends in educational reforms, links with technological development arise, demanding technological competencies from teachers for the proper performance of their roles. As a result of this, the present study was conducted to analyze teachers' digital competencies from their perspective. The methodological approach used was quantitative, non-experimental, descriptive, and cross-sectional. The population under study consisted of 444 teachers from the Dominican Republic. The sampling technique employed was a probabilistic, stratified random sampling with proportional allocation, with a total of 207 participants. Data was collected through a survey using a custom-made questionnaire with 65 items. The data was analyzed using the statistical software SPSS V26. The results indicate that teachers possess ICT (Information and Communication Technology) competencies related to both technological and pedagogical knowledge, including information retrieval and collaboration. However, the results show lower competencies in the ethical, legal, and data security dimensions.


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How to Cite

Rincón Guzmán, L., Montás García, M., Grullón, Ángel G., & Cedeño, S. (2024). ICT competencies from the perspective of the teachers of schools of the co-management program. Cuaderno De Pedagogía Universitaria, 21(41), 64–79. https://doi.org/10.29197/cpu.v21i41.552