Adaptation and psychometric evaluation of the Organizational Identification scale with Educational Centers in Chilean engineering students
Identification, belongingness, engineering education, study engagement, dropoutAbstract
Career’s identification is an important factor for the Study Engagement, performance, and abandonment of studies. In engineering education, it becomes key due to the deficit in these variables. The need for an updated and precise instrument for its measurement motivated the present investigation to adapt and evaluate the Organizational Identification with Educational Centers (IOCE) scale for this population. An instrumental and cross-sectional research was carried out whose participants were 287 engineering students at a Chilean university that tested 3 potential models. The best fit was obtained with a model that considers 2 factors of the first order and one of the second order. Furthermore, the measures of reliability and criterion validity were favorable. The usefulness of the IOCE for the evaluation of the construct in engineering students is concluded, considering adaptations in their form of research and the understanding of its factors.
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