The historical novel as an interdisciplinary tool in General Studies


  • Genarina Caba Liriano Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra



Historical novel, Interdisciplinary, General Studies, Literature, Carpentier


By its nature, the historical novel constitutes an interdisciplinary tool, since it converges a set of knowledge that closely touches different areas of knowledge, and as such plays a very important role in General Studies. This proposal is specifically circumscribed in the field of General Studies, taking into account that from them “inter and transdisciplinarity” are promoted. Due to its educational potential, the historical novel as an interdisciplinary tool plays an important role in the construction of citizenship and democracy, which is an aspiration of General Studies. The objective pursued through this work is: To highlight the value of the historical novel as an interdisciplinary tool for the articulation of different areas of knowledge. The expository and argumentative nature of this work is based on the research, reading, analysis and consultation of different bibliographic sources that corroborate the educational value of literature as the setting of which the historical novel is part, as well as the specific benefits that working with the historical novel relies on the exemplification and clarification of the knowledge implicit in the historical novel from a specific one: The kingdom of this world  by Alejo Carpentier. In summary, this article will allow to approach the historical novel and literature from a different perspective: resources through which they can articulate knowledge from the different areas converging on them.


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Author Biography

Genarina Caba Liriano, Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra

Doctora en Estudios del Español: Lingüística y Literatura por la Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra. Docente por asignatura de la Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra


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How to Cite

Caba Liriano, G. . (2022). The historical novel as an interdisciplinary tool in General Studies. Cuaderno De Pedagogía Universitaria, 19(37), 75–82.