plication of Differential Calculus Concepts to the Study of the Blood Pressure Curve. An Interdisciplinary Activity
Interdisciplinary activities, mathematical modeling, teamworkAbstract
During the last years, new forms of pedagogy have been implemented in the engineering area, given that the real challenges that the future engineer will face must be addressed in an interdisciplinary way. For this reason, from the first years of his career and from the basic sciences, it is convenient for the student to deal with difficulties coming from other scenarios and thus be able to establish bridges between the different sciences and enhance the contributions of each one of them. The main objective of this work is to describe the result of an interdisciplinary experience in which the student was involved in applying mathematical concepts to a biological discipline. The experience was carried out with students of an Advanced Calculus course, corresponding to the first year of the different Engineering careers of the Buenos Aires Faculty at the Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, where an activity related to the concept of “engineering applied to the modeling of the cardiovascular system” was presented to them. To address it, 58 students had to apply concepts studied in the subject and incorporate those linked to human physiology. They also participated in both general data collection and assistance in data acquisition, which were later analyzed in group work. A descriptive methodology based on an individual questionnaire was considered, in order to complete the evaluation of the experience. The obtained results evidenced a high interest on the part of the students in dealing with problematic situations, with an 89% approval in relation to the importance to establish relationships between the different areas of knowledge. The activity was designed within the framework of the research and development project: "Use of interdisciplinary problems in mathematics subjects in engineering careers" together with the Group of Research and Development in Bioengineering, belonging to the same institution, and by virtue of the expertise of its members in topics related to cardiovascular health. Indeed, the obtained results demonstrate that the implementation of research-based teaching strategies, promotes an increase in student attention, a greater participation and provides a direct application of the studied mathematical tools.
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